A global hub to access and share information

CXC was founded in Australia in 1992. And has been working hard to simplify the world of work for their clients ever since. With a presence is 100+ countries, CXC take the hassle and headache out of engaging, managing and paying non-permanent workers by creating custom solutions to make workforce management easy, compliant and affordable. And they uncover opportunities for their clients to source skilled workers from all over the globe.


Intranet Implementation, Cloud Migration


SharePoint Online, Sprocket 365, Power Platform

Organisation Size

250 employees

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A global hub to access and share information

The Challenge

Disjointed and legacy infrastructure hampering global collaboration

Eight years ago, CXC operated as separate offices around the globe. A strategic management buyout brought together the Australian and New Zealand offices, leading to great success in these regions. This achievement laid the groundwork for consolidating all global operations under a single umbrella five years later.

However, during this transition, CXC faced the significant challenge of integrating their diverse processes, information sharing methods and collaboration strategies across different regions. To address these complexities, CXC partnered with Tecala to establish a unified global support model. This partnership highlighted the necessity for CXC to enhance its document management and information sharing practices, both at local and global levels.

Before partnering with Sope, CXC faced inconsistent SharePoint use across its global offices, which hampered teamwork and information access - ultimately impacting productivity. Understanding these pressing issues, CXC saw the need for a unified solution to address these challenges.

“We had a disjointed IT infrastructure, with legacy on-premises storage systems that made information retrieval cumbersome and inefficient. Our international arms were using SharePoint, but in a rudimentary manner, lacking a proper structure and organisation for our growing document repository."

- Dominic Sargent, Director of Global Technology, CXC

The Solution

A global hub to access and share information, effortlessly

To tackle the complexities of CXC's challenges, Sope set out to create a modern intranet solution using their well-established five-stage approach. This led to the creation of 'The Hub', a platform that combines SharePoint Modern with Sope’s SharePoint extension, Sprocket 365.

Dominic Sargent, Director of Global Technology at CXC, praised Sope’s approach:

“Sope's reputation for expertise in SharePoint solutions and their commitment to understanding our specific needs all played a crucial role. Additionally, their ability to provide a customised solution that integrated seamlessly with our existing systems and the ongoing support they offered made them the ideal choice for our project.”

In collaboration with key stakeholders at CXC, The Hub was designed to simplify information retrieval and sharing. It tackled information sprawl by reimagining the structure and permissions of content, leading to a more controlled, organised and secure SharePoint environment.

Migrating from On-Premise SharePoint to Modern SharePoint was a crucial part of the project. Sope's team executed this transition during non-business hours, strategically minimising disruption to ensure a smooth shift to the modern platform.

Enhancing the platform further, The Hub incorporated an advanced Supplier Management Portal. The new digital processes in the portal made managing vendor contracts clearer and more streamlined. This aligned with CXC's goal to bring operations together, ensuring renewals were tracked and managed effectively. It also gave CXC a better overview of their global vendors, allowing them to conduct more strategic analysis.

The Hub also introduced a key feature, a Global Holiday Calendar. Essential for teams across different locations and time zones, it was placed on the home page to simplify tracking office closures for holidays and events, which helped to reduce emails and promote a self-service approach for international teams.

The integration of Sope’s Sprocket 365 into The Hub introduced a new layer of customisation, particularly in terms of design and branding. Enhancements such as a custom SharePoint header and customised calendars were added, providing an extra touch of personalisation. This occurred concurrently with the rollout of CXC's refreshed branding.

“The fact we were able to do this while accommodating a rebrand and launch with the new brand in place helped us embed and drive adoption throughout the business.”

- Dominic Sargent, Director of Global Technology at CXC

Additionally, The Hub integrates Microsoft Viva Connections, seamlessly blending the new SharePoint intranet with Microsoft Teams. This integration has created a more cohesive experience for employees, with The Hub serving as the central home site, readily accessible through Microsoft Teams and providing a consistent, integrated digital environment.

The combination of SharePoint Online and Sope’s Sprocket 365 transformed The Hub into a well-structured, user-friendly, and effective intranet platform, marking a significant shift in CXC's digital workspace strategy.

The Result

New ways of working embraced by CXC’s global team

The implementation of The Hub has been a ‘transformative’ step for CXC. It has provided the organisation with a highly structured, beautiful intranet platform, which now stands as the cornerstone of their global collaboration efforts.

This outcome has united CXC’s global teams, consolidating everything 'under one roof' for simpler information sharing.

“The solution has had a transformative impact on CXC. We now have a well-structured intranet that serves as a hub for collaboration and information sharing. Our employees have become more productive, and our international offices have embraced a consistent approach to document management.”

- Dominic Sargent, Director of Global Technology at CXC

With its effective SharePoint Online intranet, CXC is set for ongoing global success and growth, marking just the start of their journey to transform their digital workplaces.

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