Microsoft 365

The Shift from M-Files to Microsoft 365

Transitioning from M-Files to Microsoft 365 and SharePoint offers improved collaboration and so much more, making it a strategic move for modern, dynamic businesses.

In a world where digital workplaces are becoming the backbone of business operation, a powerful document management system (DMS) is more than a necessity — it's a game changer. Many businesses are moving away from traditional systems like M-Files, embracing more adaptive solutions like Microsoft 365 and SharePoint.

This blog post highlights how such a shift can transform digital workplaces by enhancing workflows, collaboration and productivity across organisations.

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Understanding M-Files and SharePoint


M-Files is a document management tool favoured for its ability to organise files based on metadata rather than a complex folder structure. This feature has made it popular among companies dealing with large volumes of documents.

SharePoint in Microsoft 365

SharePoint, on the other hand, is a robust Microsoft-powered platform that deeply integrates with the Microsoft 365 suite. It offers extensive capabilities not only for document management but also for collaboration, intranet configuration and custom business applications. Its integration with other Microsoft products like OneDrive and Microsoft Teams (plus so much more), an appealing option for businesses deeply embedded in the Microsoft ecosystem.

Why transition away from M-Files?

While M-Files provides a solid document management solution, the evolving needs of modern businesses and the demand for more complex collaboration requires a platform that can integrate more seamlessly with other tools. Microsoft 365, with SharePoint at its core, presents a compelling case for businesses looking to enhance their document management and collaboration practices.

Key benefits of moving from M-Files to SharePoint

Enhanced Collaboration

SharePoint excels with its collaborative features. Real-time co-authoring, team sites, communication sites and integration with Microsoft Teams create a collaborative environment that is hard to achieve with M-Files. Employees can work together on documents simultaneously, discuss changes via integrated Microsoft Teams features and manage version control effortlessly.

Improved Integration with Microsoft 365

For organisations already leveraging Microsoft 365, integrating SharePoint is straightforward. This seamless integration allows users to easily access, edit and manage documents stored in SharePoint directly through familiar Microsoft apps such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint. This extends to OneDrive and Teams for Business, providing a unified experience that reduces the learning curve for users.

Scalability and Flexibility

SharePoint offers unmatched scalability and flexibility. Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, SharePoint adapts to your needs. As part of the cloud-based Microsoft 365 suite, SharePoint Online eliminates the need for server maintenance and software updates, further easing the IT burden.


One of SharePoint’s standout features is its high level of customisation. Evolving organisations can develop custom digital workplace solutions, add-ons and integrations using SharePoint’s SPFx framework. This is particularly beneficial for businesses with specific design and workflow requirements, which off-the-shelf solutions cannot meet.

An intelligent digital workplace built on SharePoint can be tailored to function as either a comprehensive knowledge management system or a complete intranet solution. This flexibility is ideal for evolving businesses that operate in a hybrid work environment.

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Cost Efficiency

For organisations already subscribed to Microsoft 365, utilising SharePoint offers significant cost advantages. These platforms are often included in Microsoft 365 subscription plans, which eliminates the need for separate document management solutions. This integration not only reduces overall IT costs but also simplifies the technology stack, allowing businesses to leverage their existing investments more effectively.

Customisable Permissions

Microsoft 365 and SharePoint ensure enhanced security and confidentiality through customisable permissions. SharePoint allows Administrators to set detailed permissions for team sites, enabling control over who can view and edit various content. This granular control is crucial for maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of business information.

Workflow Automation

SharePoint excels in workflow automation, offering tools that facilitate efficient team collaboration and streamline business processes. These features automate routine tasks, reduce error and ensure that workflows are consistent and compliant with company policies.  

SharePoint is also closely integrated with Microsoft's sophisticated Power Platform, including Power Automate, allowing you to build powerful automation into your document management repository - all within the Microsoft ecosystem.

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Considerations for a smooth transition

Switching from M-Files to SharePoint requires careful planning for data integrity and minimal disruption:

Data migration - Develop a detailed migration plan that includes strategic timing, understanding the size of the data to migrate, mapping metadata accurately and thorough testing.

Training and adoption - Implement a comprehensive training program to help users adapt to SharePoint. Familiarity with the Microsoft 365 suite can significantly ease the transition.

Change management - Manage the cultural shift in how information is handled and shared across departments. Effective communication and engagement strategies are crucial for successful adoption.

These are all the things Sope can assist with and have experience helping organisation achieve. Reach out today for a discovery call to figure out how we can help.

Final thoughts

Transitioning from M-Files to SharePoint offers numerous advantages, including enhanced collaboration, seamless integration with Microsoft 365, digital workplace customisation, scalability and advanced security features. While the shift involves significant planning and careful execution, the long-term benefits, such as improved productivity and collaboration can redefine how your organisation manages and shares documents.

About Sope

At Sope, we supercharge Australian businesses using SharePoint and Microsoft 365. We have extensive experience helping organisations transition to new technologies. Reach out today for a discovery call to see how we can assist with your move to SharePoint, ensuring a smooth and successful transition.

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